Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Amelia's Magazine

My first work! I answered a call on twitter to do an illustration for Amelia's magazine and its up along with a few other talented people with Amelia's Goodwood review. Check out the article here: http://www.ameliasmagazine.com/fashion/vintage-at-goodwood-festival-review/2010/08/16/ It was very exciting, even though it was a little thing. Its of a group called the Swingle Singers http://www.swinglesingers.com/ They saw the illustration and they're putting it up on their site too! Eek!

Sunday, 15 August 2010

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Peregrination highlights

Hello, its been awhile! Since I last posted I've Graduated like a proper adult and have been on various nice holidays to Norway and Norfolk and I'm now back to sorting my life out. Heres some highlights from my Final Major Project, a fashion story book.